sunsmart logoWith the summer months upon us, the warmer weather sees more people enjoying the outdoors more frequently with trips to the beach, parks and just generally being more social. Although the sun and its Ultra Violet (UV) radiation is our best source of vitamin D it is also the major cause of Skin Cancer so It’s also a great time to think about your skin and what steps you can take to ensure you’re looking after it the best you can.

ccnsw logoAustralia has one of the highest rates of Skin Cancer in the world so it really is important to stay sun smart all year round. One of the steps you can take is to ensure you and your family are getting regular skin check examinations as often as your doctor recommends.

The Cancer Councils website, which we have linked below, provides a lot of knowledge and tips on this topic, such as how often and how much sun screen should be applied and when, Learn about the UV index and learn how to read and use it and there are also helpful tips on how to check your skin for signs and symptoms.      

Click here to go to - Cancer Council Australia

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